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Curing Blend of Essential Oil
Curing Blend of Essential Oil

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Product Code: 3000EO

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Description Ingredients
Curing Blend of Essential Oil is a blend of five essential oils that are scientifically documented to be highly anti-infectious, antiviral, antibacterial, and antiseptic. Curing Blend of Essential Oil is a safe and natural way to care for your family�s health. With the concern over swine flu-H1N1, global pandemics, and other infectious disease, this potent oil blend is a powerful way to support your family�s health and wellness.
This healing oil is a blend of five different therapeutic grade essential oils, including cinnamon, clove, lemon, eucalyptus, and rosemary. This combination of healing oils covers a broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity and contains properties that strengthen the immune system. Due to its effectiveness against highly infectious germs, including viruses and bacteria, it is one of nature�s most powerful natural home remedies.
Curing Oil is one of our favorite oils. We use Curing Oil for flu, colds, sinusitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, sore throat, strep, toothache, cuts, poison ivy, and as an immune stimulant. We use it to eliminate odors, disinfect around the house, and so much more.

Painted Earth's Curing Blend of Essential Oil is based upon a 15th century recipe found in the Royal English Archives. This recipe protected a group of robbers from the black plague even as they robbed the highly contagious bodies of the plagues dead victims. During the course of their plundering, four of the thieves were caught by the king�s men. In exchange for not being burned at the stake, the four thieves disclosed the secret of their immunity. Painted Earth's Curing Blend of Essential Oil has been specially blended to offer the same kind of defense.
Curing Blend of Essential Oil has been scientifically proven to kill deadly germs. Research from Weber State University in Utah has shown that it has a 99.96 percent kill rate against airborne bacteria. It was proven to be highly anti-infectious, antiviral, antibacterial, and antiseptic.
*Research shows that Curing Blend of Essential Oil effectively interrupts the life cycle of bacteria and also interferes with the ability of viruses to replicate. Studies also confirmed that most viruses and bacteria cannot live in the presence of many essential oils, including two of the oils found in the Curing Blend of Essential Oil, cinnamon and clove.


Additional Info

How To Use:

In addition to diffusing throughout the day, you can diffuse therapeutic grade essential oils in the bedroom at night during sleep. It is a wonderful way to support the respiratory and immune system if someone is fighting an infection.
Anointing with Essential Oils The Bible and other historical texts mention anointing loved ones with aromatic oils and spices for protection against illness and disease. This has been practiced by families for centuries.
Massage or Topical Application: This healing oil can be diluted and massaged into the skin to help protect against the germs that cause illness. It is also very beneficial in the care of illness. Two very effective areas to massage are the reflex areas or vita-flex points on the feet, for example the lungs, sinus, bronchials, ears, etc., and also along the spine where bacteria and viruses tend to hibernate.
Test for sensitivity. Cinnamon and clove oil are powerful oils and could cause a reaction in some people. Diluting this essential oil in vegetable or carrier oil before applying to the skin is recommended. The bottom of the feet is always the safest place to use and test oils, especially on children and those with known sensitivities or allergies. For your health and safety always test first!
Disinfect and Clean Curing oil diluted in water or vinegar is an amazing all purpose house cleaner. Kills germs and odors safely and naturally.

  128 of 128 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Best product ever! February 9, 2018
Reviewer: Theresa Bowers from Bolivar, MO United States  
I love Thieves Oil and use it everyday, the scent is to die for and helps me from getting sick! LOVE IT...

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  59 of 59 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Fantastic! December 14, 2015
Reviewer: rebecca rettich from columbus, OH United States  
This stuff is perfect to keep in my purse. I like how it's travel friendly and it's perfect!

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